Friday, October 25, 2019

Still writing here beside the River.

The muse is still hovering
I finished another song last week and gotten to perform it twice so far.  Even had Ian Moore play along on his fiddle.  That was awesome, as it always is when Ian joins in.

I also have begun a new song, or song project.  It is very different to be in a project that I don't really feel has an end in sight.  This project feels like an unending song that will have verses, multiple chorus, maybe chapters.  Maybe I was very influenced by the large album pieces of the 1960's and 70's, "Quadrophenia", "Sgt. Peppers", "Tommy", "The Wall".  They each got completed of course but They were epic works.  Maybe they had some two minute fifty hits in them but I think that the composers may have gone at them as larger works.

I find it comforting to have an ongoing story/song to be able to come back to anytime.  This particular work seems outside of what the "muse" is particularly interested in throw at me these days, but that in itself is also a bit comforting too.  Sometimes it is good to have something to work on if I am not feeling particularly inspired, but that is also an available canvas should something drop down from the clouds into my brain.

So, the songwriter, me, got interviewed on a literary podcast and the session was just released today for Patreon subscribers.  River River Writers Circle has a pod cast called "Littoral".  I had a lovely time during the interview and am very grateful for their interest and the sensitive manner of the people who hosted me.  Check, check, check it out, and become a subscriber/supporter of the arts and artists.

The Poet and the Songwriter,
A. Anupama of River River and host of the Littoral Podcast
 with me at the Nyack Farmers Market
(Photo A. Anupama/Ian Moore)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

WTF, Taylor Swift? Really?

Before today, I had never listened to a Taylor Swift song.  Well that's not exactly true because I have listened to Ryan Adams covering "Bad Blood", and I loved it, learned it and played it.  But, I had never heard Taylor's version, at least not all the way thru.  I started to listen to it, to learn where what Ryan had done had come from, but didn't bother to listen the her version of it all the way thru.  The style just didn't work for me, and the bad part of that is that it kept me from being able to hear that Taylor can write a song.
Today I listened to an NPR Tiny Desk concert that featured Taylor Swift.  It was good, she was good. In 25 minutes I came to know quite a bit more about her, and to gain some real respect for her.
NPR Tiny Desk concerts, produced by Bob Bollen
I am not going to become a fan of the music she puts out, it's just not to my tastes.  But that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate her songwriting, her craftsmanship, her tenacity and commitment.  Her songs could be presented in different formats, or genre, the first that comes to mind is country music, but that may be because country and pop have been coming closer together for a while now and in some instances are hardly different at all.  She seems as though she is really a singer-songwriter slathered with lights, dancers, and over production.
During her set she mentioned a TED talk given by author Elizabeth Gilbert, that inspired her.  So, I listened to it.  Also really great.
TED talks, author Elizabeth Gilbert

I post all this because it is all about songwriting, being an artist, creativity, where it comes from and where it goes, what it does for us as creators.


Tuesday, October 1, 2019


  1. 1. 
    (in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences.

    a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.

    Is it a real thing?  I suppose that if you think it is, then it is.  Many artists truly believe in the idea.  Some believe that the art they make doesn't come from them as much as it comes thru them.  If you've ever had a creative moment when things "flow", you might recognize this idea.  

    It happens in other endeavors as well, I've known "flow" in many aspects of my life.  But a muse is a bit different.

    When one thing, or person, or setting, drives creativity, brings inspiration like a current, or undertow, a sensed, purposeful motivation drives creativity, this could be called, a muse.

    Some times the muse is a very temporary inspiration.  Like a surfer on a wave, it can be ridden and enjoyed while it lasts, and then the work of paddling back to wait, ready for the next set.  Some times the water is flat calm.

    This is what song writing has been like for me so far.  Sometimes the inspiration is self generated, but it is more often from outside myself.

    Like the surfer, I just enjoy the ride. Creativity becomes a way of living, a philosophy, a path.🏄🎶

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