Thursday, March 5, 2020

Let go and just enjoy the dream

It's funny how things work out, or don't, in life.  I believe it is a good idea that one's reach should exceed ones grasp with regards to dreams and goals.  I also think it is good to recognize that getting something other than exactly what you wished for means that life is going to be more interesting and mysterious.
When I was young I would often spend my recess in the music room experimenting on the piano.  How my music teacher endured it I don't know, selective deafness maybe, but not only would I fantasize about the music I was playing but about one day being a composer and scoring a film.  I never showed the focus to achieve any thing like that, but now, in a round about, thru the side door, kind of way, my music is being used in a film piece.
So, I take away the same thing that I have been led to believe many times before, dream, dream big, and enjoy the dream, then let go and just live.
I was very happy to be able to contribute on this project, and feel very honored to have been asked to be a part of it.

Bill Batson's short film project, "One Good Story"

Sculptor or Painter?  Spring is just a moment away.  The green shoots of Tulips have poked up thru the earth while snow still lurks in the s...